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[Day 3] Advent of Cyber 3 (2021) | TryHackMe 본문


[Day 3] Advent of Cyber 3 (2021) | TryHackMe

Akash Kumar 2021. 12. 6. 02:13



Web Exploitation

Christmas Blackout





Grinch Enterprises have also tried to block communication between anyone at the company. They've locked everyone out of their email systems and McSysAdmin has also lost access to their admin panel. Can you find the admin panel and help restore communication for the Best Festival Company.


Learning Objectives
In today's task, we're going to be using our investigatory skills and techniques to discover un-listed content, and attempt some common authentication using the clues around us.




Answer the questions below

Q.) Using a common wordlist for discovering content, enumerate to find the location of the administrator dashboard. What is the name of the folder?

A.)  admin 

Process:-  I used gobuster to brute-force web directory with "/usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt" wordlist and I found an admin login page in


Q.) In your web browser, try some default credentials on the newly discovered login form for the "administrator" user. What is the password?

A.) administrator 

Process:-  I tried some default passwords and I logged in with the password " administrator ".


Q.) Access the admin panel. What is the value of the flag?


Process:-  I accessed the admin panel and I got the flag.

The admin panel

Thanks for reading.

Have a lovely day :-)

